General Purchase Conditions

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These Terms and Conditions form part of the Agreement between RossRentMallorca, Víctor Mateo Rosselló Fiol NIF 43088099Z,Carretera de Lluc, 25 Selva, Mallorca -Spain. Trade as RossRentMallorca and the tenant.

RossRentMallorca rental reservation booked or hired from our center in Selva, Carretera de Lluc, 25.

Payment of the entire rental period must be open to signing the booking form or click to proceed to the booking on our website.

The tenant is obliged to submit official photo identification in the form of your identity card or passport or Spanish D.N.I. Upon receiving the bike, the renter must provide a credit card or debit card as security deposit. The person signing the lease must be 18 years and is responsible for all equipment rented under this contract. No refund of the bikes before the end of the lease period. Any bike back after the time stipulated in the contract will be charged at 6,00€ per hour o fraction.

Reservations made online or direct booking have cancelation conditions.

1-. Cancellation of the reservation for two (2) months view will be reimbursed 100% of the reservation.

2-. Cancellation of the reservation for one (1) month view will be reimbursed 50% of the reservation.

3-. Cancellation of the reservation for less than a month view will be canceled without reimbursement.

The provision of the service: Delivery and collection of the bikes will be under quotation.

Rental equipment: The bikes and equipment rented from our rental property RossRentMallorca. The tenant is obliged to take care of your bike (s) recruited and take all necessary precautions to protect your bike from damage, loss or theft.

The tenant is responsible informing RossRentMallorca for any damage or injury suffered on the bike during the rental period. A return of the bicycle at the end of the rental period RossRentMallorca will scan the bike and if there is a damage or loss parts the tenant will be responsible to pay for that.

Collecting the bicycles at the beginning: By accepting the bike (s) lessee agrees to receive the bike in a good technical condition, safe and clean. Bicycles must be returned in the samr condition as they left the shop floor or authorized. The bicycles should not be for off-road or for use in the beach sand.

Liability in case of accident: RossRentMallorca offers no BE CONVERED cannot accept any responsibility for the potential liability to third parties (die, damage cause by third Person or their property). It is recommended that you take an insurance to cover such liability or make sure your insurance covers this day. If you take our insurance bear in mind that is just a minority insurance that covers just damage on the bike on the bike as per components no covers damages on the frame. The tenant is responsible for all damages that occur either for himself or any other person within the rental period. RossRentMallorca does not accept liability for any claims of third parties in accidents, injury, shock or damage caused by tenants or their property or lost property for any reason beyond the control of RossrentMallorca.

Helmet use is mandatory in Mallorca in most circumstances. Helmet are not provided by RossRentMallorca is sole responsibility of the renter to ensure they comply with traffic laws at all times.

This contract complies with the Spanish law. Lessee agrees that this contract is binding on your family, your heirs, permitted assigns and administrators and executors. The place of jurisdiction or law applicable to this contract is that only of Mallorca (Illes Balears - Spain).